Your editor e-mailed the the Social Work Services relating to ‘Wee Donnie’ in the off chance that such a junior did exist on their books before launching this latest publication. The following reply was received by e-mail;

Mr. Ross, I have had a look at the entry on the community council web-site since you’ve brought it to my attention. I have no idea who this person is and it strikes me that the wording is quite adult, rather than being from a 10 year old child. However that said, the proposed purpose of the house is not for long-term stay and this was explained at the recent community council meeting.

As to any action regarding the entry on the web-site that would surely be a matter for whoever moderates the site.

Sandra Campbell
Head of Operations (Children)
Highland Council.

In addition I understand the Northern Constabulary was approached by a third party over the matter but to date I have no further information.
